Aspects Statistics

Number of days before How many days before the aspects the statistics starts
Number of days after How many days after the aspects the statistics ends
Number of aspects Total number of aspects that we have on the loaded data
Higher prices Bars where the aspect occur and had a higher high than the previous bar
Lower prices Bars where the aspect occur and had a lower low than the previous bar
Isolated highs Bars where the aspect occur and was a isolated high bar
Isolated lows Bars where the aspect occur and was a isolated low bar
Isolated highs N Bars before-after Bars before and after the aspect that were isolated high bar
Isolated lows N Bars before-after Bars before and after the aspect that were isolated low bar
Outside bars Bars where the aspect occur and was a outside bar.
Inside bars Bars where the aspect occur and was a inside bar.
Price reversal up Aspects where there was a reversal in price direction to up, looking 3 bars before the aspect and comparing with 3 bars after the aspect, including the aspect bar.
Price reversal down Aspects where there was a reversal in price direction to down, looking 3 bars before the aspect and comparing with 3 bars after the aspect, including the aspect bar.
No price reversal Aspects where there was no reversal in price direction.
Price Up to end How often the price ended up compare with start
Price Down to end How often the price ended down compare with start

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Since 1992