(for Real Time programs)

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The following is a step by step process to get started using the Fibonacci, Galactic or Fibonacci/Galactic Trader.

A. Connected to your data vendor. (if using the SRV version you do not need to do this, skip the step C)

1. Press Utilities, data source, Select RT Data Vendor.

2. Click on the radio button next to the name of your data vendor.

3. If using our real time data just click on Fibonaci Trader real time feed, you can find all symbols here.

4. Press OK.

5. At this point you may be asked to type in your user name and password. Do so and press ok. This will depend upon your data vendor.

B. Make sure your Exchange Time Zones are set correctly

The program automatically sets the time zones, most of the time all parameters will be correct. This item is just to check if your time zones are correct. Do not change them, if you think they are incorrect send us an email asking about it.

Default exchange is New York Stock Exchange you can change that, on SRV the default exchange is FOREX, please do not change that.

The time zone is actually the difference in hours from your computer time and the exchange time. Then if you are in California the NYSE will show -3, you are 3 hour behind.

The trading times are the local exchange trading times, does not matter your location the regular hours for NYSE will be Monday to Friday, 9:30 to 16:00, for floor trading on Chicago S&P will be Monday to Friday 8:30 to 15:15.

1. Click File, exchanges, edit exchanges. The “exchanges” window appears listing the most common exchanges. Please note that you can build your own exchanges and add them to the list.

2. To change the default exchange right click a exchange and click 'Set as default'

3. When done click “exit”

C. Setup a stock symbol. We are going to use the IBM as our example using DTNiq as our Data Vendor.

1. Click File, Symbols, New Symbol.

2. In the exchange window scroll down and click once on the “New York Stock Exchange”. It will then ask you if you want to use the default trading times for this exchange. Select “Yes”

3. Under type select ‘Real Time”

4. In the Description box type in the name of the stock symbol you are setting up. In this case type “IBM”. You can type International Business Machines if you want but it is best to keep descriptions as short as possible.

5. Look up the “symbol” in your symbols directory (provided only by your data provider).

6. In the symbol box, type in the “symbol”. Remember to use capital letters if your data vendor requires them. So, we type in IBM

7. If you like, select “Stocks” as your folder.

8. Select “decimal” as your unit and place a 2 in the box decimal box.

9. Type in .01 as your tick size.

10. Click on trading time and make sure that the open and close times are correct for the stock symbol you are setting up. These times must be in the local exchange time not the time where you are located. If you are not sure what the correct trading times should be go to the exchange's website and look it up under contract specifications.

11. Click OK.

Please note that you can quickly add symbols to your default exchangeby hitting the F5 key and typing in the symbol (the New York Stock Exchange is the default when you install the program, but you can changed to whatever exchange you like on the exchange edit window, on the SRV version the default is FOREX exchange). You can also quickly add symbols to any other exchange by hitting the F5 key and typing in the exchange abbreviation and symbol using the following format: 'exchange abbreviation~symbol'. For example, NASDAQ~INTC. Right click on the newly created symbol and select edit. Make sure that all the parameters are set correctly.

D. Create a chart. We are going to create an 80-Daily-Weekly chart as well as a Daily-Weekly-Monthly chart for IBM, for Galactic Trader will be a 80 minutes chart and a daily chart, no multiple time frames).

1. Click Chart. The Chart control window will open.

2. In the left window pane you will see the following folders: real time, archive, and end of day. If they are closed double-click and they will expand. Within these folders are sub-folders named futures, indices, and stocks. You can access these sub-folders by double clicking on the main folder name or by clicking on the plus sign next to each folder.

3. Click on the + sign next to the stocks folder.

4. Right click on IBM and select “create new chart".

5. Type 80 in the box on the own period row. On Fibonacci and Fibonnacci/Galactic Trade programs you will have the extra 2 rows for the Next and Higher periods for the multiple time frames. Put a check mark next to “D” on the Next row, and another check mark next to the “W” on the Highest row

6. Click “OK”

E. Create our final chart, the D-W-M IBM chart.

1. Since the Create Chart window is still open and the IBM symbol is still highlighted in the “Symbol” box, we simply select our new time period.

2. Place a check mark next to the “D” on the Own Period row.

3. On Fibonacci and Fibonacci/Galactic Trader select the "W" and the "M" for the next and highest time periods.

4. Press OK to create the chart.

5. Press Close.

6. Press the “x” in the upper right hand corner of the “Chart” window.

F. Add the Dynamic Trio Own indicator to our chart.

1. If you have more than one chart open, click on the chart that you want to add an indicator to in order to make it the active window.

2. Click Indicators. A window appears showing a list of the indicators that come with the program

3. Using the vertical scroll bar in the indicators window press the down arrow until you can see the Dynamic Trio Own.

4. Click on it to highlight it.

5. Press add. You will then see the Dynamic Trio Own in the indicator window above.

6. Click exit to see the indicator on your chart.

7. You will also see the name of the indicator and its given parameters printed in the upper left hand corner of your chart. Right clicking on the name of the indicator will bring up a menu that allows you to choose to edit or delete the indicator.

Also just above that indicator name, inside the chart area, you will see the name of the program, right click it to open the indicators window, that is a shortcut for the indicators window. If you left click the program name you will open the charts option window.

G. Create an end of day chart.

For the look at the end of day quick start, all charts you can create on the end of day version you can also create on the real time version.

Since 1992