Galactic and Fibonacci/Galactic Trader Planetary Tutorials
Tim Bost Enhancing Technical Analysis with Planetary Price & Time Factors |
Customizing the Program’s Look &
Fibonacci Trader/Galactic Trader is not only an extremely powerful tool for making money in the markets; it’s fun to look at, too! As a user of the program, you can customize what you see on the screen to match your personal trading preferences. This training module provides some practical tips on customizing the look and feel of Fibonacci Trader/Galactic Trader on your computer. FREE, PLAY NOW , 5 minutes, 12 seconds |
Creating and Editing Planetary Price Lines The planetary price line feature in Fibonacci Trader/Galactic Trader is derived from one of the most powerful techniques that W. D. Gann used in his market analysis and trading. Planetary lines give the trader an extraordinary advantage by defining areas of support and resistance that serve as confirmation for other technical indicators. This training module provides a quick overview of the method for creating planetary lines, and then editing and modifying them to gain the maximum amount of useful information. FREE, PLAY NOW, 6 minutes, 15 seconds |
Finding Potential Planetary Lines in Company Data In addition to the many on-screen enhancements that the Galactic Trader component adds to the array of technical analysis tools in Fibonacci Trader, there are also valuable “hidden treasures” in the program as well. One of them is the compilation of company data that’s built into the program. This training module shows how to access the company data to gather hints about potential support and resistance zones corresponding to planetary lines. FREE, PLAY NOW,10 minutes, 12 seconds |
Harmonics Tutorial |
the Fixed Angle Aspects for Price Analysis" |